A hypothetical bacterium swims among human intestinal contents until it finds a suitable location on the intestinal lining. It adheres to the intestinal lining using a feature that also protects it from phagocytes, bacteriophages, and dehydration. Fecal matter from a human in whose intestine this bacterium lives can spread the bacterium, even after being mixed with water and boiled. The bacterium is not susceptible to the penicillin family of antibiotics. It contains no plasmids and relatively little peptidoglycan.

A hypothetical bacterium swims among human intestinal contents until it finds a suitable location on the intestinal lining. It adheres to the intestinal lining using a feature that also protects it from phagocytes, bacteriophages, and dehydration. Fecal matter from a human in whose intestine this bacterium lives can spread the bacterium, even after being mixed with water and boiled. The bacterium is not susceptible to the penicillin family of antibiotics. It contains no plasmids and relatively little peptidoglycan. 

This bacterium's ability to survive in a human who is taking penicillin pills may be due to the presence of 

1. penicillin-resistance genes
2. a secretory system that removes penicillin from the cell
3. a gram-positive cell wall
4. a gram-negative cell wall
5. an endospore

A) 1 or 5
B) 2 or 3
C) 4 or 5
D) 2, 3, or 5
E) 2, 4, or 5

Answer: D

Adherence to the intestinal lining by this bacterium is due to its possession of A) fimbriae. 

B) pili.
C) a capsule.
D) a flagellum.
E) a cell wall with an outer lipopolysaccharide membrane.

Answer: C

What should be true of the cell wall of this bacterium? A) Its innermost layer is composed of a phospholipid bilayer. 

B) After it has been subjected to Gram staining, the cell should remain purple.
C) It has an outer membrane of lipopolysaccharide.
D) It is mostly composed of a complex, cross-linked polysaccharide.
E) Two of the responses above are correct.

Answer: C

Some of the proteins that allow this bacterium to swim are related (in an evolutionary sense) to proteins that 

A) attach to the single chromosome.
B) act as restriction enzymes.
C) synthesize peptidoglycan for the cell wall.
D) move penicillin out of the cell.
E) comprise its ribosomes.

Answer: D

In which feature(s) should one be able to locate a complete chromosome of this bacterium? 1. nucleolus 

2. prophage
3. endospore
4. nucleoid

A) 4 only
B) 1 and 3
C) 2 and 3
D) 3 and 4
E) 2, 3, and 4

Answer: D

The cell also lacks F factors and F plasmids. Upon its death, this bacterium should be able to participate in A) conjugation. 

B) transduction.
C) transformation.
D) Three of the responses above are correct.
E) Two of the responses above are correct.

Answer: C

This bacterium derives nutrition by digesting human intestinal contents (in other words, food). Thus, this bacterium should be an 

A) aerobic chemoheterotroph.
B) aerobic chemoautotroph.
C) anaerobic chemoheterotroph.
D) anaerobic chemoautotroph.

Answer: C

This bacterium derives nutrition by digesting human intestinal contents (in other words, food). Humans lacking this bacterium have no measurable reproductive advantage or disadvantage relative to humans who harbor this bacterium. Consequently, the bacterium can be properly described as which of the following? 

1. symbiont
2. endosymbiont
3. mutualist
4. commensal

A) 4 only
B) 1 and 2
C) 1 and 4
D) 2 and 3
E) 2 and 4

Answer: C

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