What causes the flat top of a guyot?

What causes the flat top of a guyot?

Answer: A forming volcano rises above the sea level and its top gets eroded as it is exposed to wave action above the sea surface

What study used resources from nearly 30 countries to make unprecedented in-situ and satellite observations of the global ocean between 1990 and 1998 and to observe poorly-understood but important physical processes?

What study used resources from nearly 30 countries to make unprecedented in-situ and satellite observations of the global ocean between 1990 and 1998 and to observe poorly-understood but important physical processes?

Answer: World Ocean Circulation Experiment OR WOCE

Can the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer, which measures sea surface temperature by detecting electromagnetic radiation from the ocean, measure it at night? Why or Why not?

Can the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer, which measures sea surface temperature by detecting electromagnetic radiation from the ocean, measure it at night? Why or Why not?

Answer: Yes, the AVHRR senses temperature by the infrared energy emitted passively from the ocean. Because passive infrared emissions are not dependent on visible solar illumination, SSTs can be determined at night.

Place the following FIVE navigational advances in correct chronological order of discovery: magnetic compass, chronometer, Global Positioning System, astrolabe, gyrocompass

Place the following FIVE navigational advances in correct chronological order of discovery: magnetic compass, chronometer, Global Positioning System, astrolabe, gyrocompass

Answer: 1 - magnetic compass, 2-astrolabe, 3- chronometer, 4- gyrocompass, 5- Global Positioning System (GPS)

The surface waters of the ocean are frequently supersaturated with regard to oxygen. What two processes might account for oxygen supersaturation?

The surface waters of the ocean are frequently supersaturated with regard to oxygen. What two processes might account for oxygen supersaturation?

Answer: Accept any 2 of the following: Photosynthetic production of oxygen; injection of air bubbles during storm mixing; water has warmed, oxygen content has not resumed equilibrium

What are two sources of NEW nutrients to the ocean?

What are two sources of NEW nutrients to the ocean?

Answer: Accept any 2 of the following: River inputs, Atmospheric inputs (dust, fixed nitrogen from lightning), In-situ nitrogen fixation, Underwater volcanoes, Nitrification

In the deepest ocean basins, there is no light for photosynthesis, but there is plenty of dissolved oxygen. Where does that oxygen come from?

In the deepest ocean basins, there is no light for photosynthesis, but there is plenty of dissolved oxygen. Where does that oxygen come from?

Answer: In high latitudes, oxygen dissolves into surface cold waters which subsequently sink and become bottom water of the ocean basins. (Note to Judge: Need to say high latitude and or cold)